The Schoolhouse understands that students who test in the upper or lower 15% in any academic area or cognitive skill can sometimes struggle with a general education curriculum designed to meet the majority of students. As a State of Vermont approved school for general education, we are not certified or able to provide special education services. However, the way each student learns is one of the many kinds of diversity represented within The Schoolhouse community, and all of our students are supported in several ways within our unique general education programming.
Examples of support we offer all students:
Small class size
Differentiated instruction
Opportunities for individualized attention
Opportunities for student choice and voice
Opportunities for movement and breaks
Access to technology for assignments (depending on age)
Flexible scheduling for outside tutoring
Emphasis on the whole child – social, emotional, and academic
Individual Service Plans
Students who have a diagnosed learning disability, for example an IEP or a 504 plan, may be eligible to be on an Individual Services Plan (ISP) that suggests accommodations to best meet the student’s academic and emotional needs. The ISP is generally developed by the South Burlington School District (because this is where Schoolhouse is located) but may be done in conjunction with the student’s original school district.
The districts are required to develop the ISP and include your child on the Child Find list but are not required to provide funds to support the accommodations in a nonpublic school setting. Families who choose to place their children in an independent school such as The Schoolhouse forfeit their federally guaranteed right to a Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE) and the funding for a child’s special education needs as outlined by an IEP. Nevertheless, all schools are required to make reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities.
Examples of accommodations we offer:
Speech-to-text/text-to-speech and other technology supports
Multiple ways for students to demonstrate their knowledge and organize their information
Altering assignments and allowing extra time to complete them
Allowing fidgets and special seating in the classroom
Support of private tutoring arranged by the family
Examples of accommodations The Schoolhouse does not offer:
A 1:1 aide for academic or emotional support, or any accommodationthat would require The Schoolhouse to hire additional staff
An individually designed, separate curriculum
A dedicated private room for self-regulation
A therapeutic program
A behavior modification program
Accommodations that would fundamentally alter our mission and/or programs